Pushing Against Burnout


February 4, 2019

At the beginning of our business, I would have told you that I would never get burned out on this job. It’s fun, creative, and it makes others happy. But, it can also be a job. There are so many tasks that go into running a photography business. Most people likely think it’s 90% taking pretty photos and editing and 10% other stuff. However, it’s the exact opposite!

We spend way more time behind our computers than on location at a session. We’ve come to appreciate both aspects of the business, but there are seasons it can certainly get exhausting.

We’ve only been doing this for two full years, but we now can almost predict when we are going to start feeling some burnout. Unlike many businesses, photographers are planning months, if not a full year ahead because weddings take a long time to plan. So, we can look at our calendar in November 2019, for example, and see that we have a double header (two weddings in the same weekend) and another wedding the very next weekend.

Although we are totally up to the task, we can already predict that there’s going to be a time of burnout right around the corner from that crazy week.

What are some ways to ward off, or plan for burnout seasons?

  1. Plan ahead. There is no way Hannah and I can edit three weddings at one time. We are already planning ahead to finish editing the double header weddings before the third wedding because we know that will help us stay present and focus at the last wedding.
  2. Make time for rest. Hannah and I are both planning on taking Monday and Tuesday off work after the double header so we can have a rest day and an editing day to keep us from getting behind.
  3. Make time for things you love. I love reading books, taking bubble baths, and snuggling up with Mellie on my couch. You better believe I will make time for that during the crazy seasons this year. It’s just as important to take time off as it is to plan work days. Our time off gives us the fuel to get to work when we need to most.

I hope some of these tips are helpful in your seasons of burnout. They happen to the best of us! Always remember it’s just a season that will change if you can just get through it!



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