My Sister Had A Baby


August 17, 2018

I never fully knew how much it would impact my life when my sister had a baby. The second I looked at my sweet nephew’s face my heart was so full! Seeing my sister give birth was one of the most special moments of my life! I thought going into the hospital on her delivery day and watching the birth would scare me and make me not want to have any kids, but watching my sweet nephew enter the world made me feel the complete opposite of how I expected. It was such a neat experience! During Finn’s birth, I realized that I do want kids one day. I want to be a mom with sweet kiddos to raise! I’m actually excited to have kids!

I am also very excited to watch Finn grow up, and I can’t wait to watch his personality unfold and to see who he will become. Even now, it’s so fun to see him become more and more alert. He just turned two months the other day and is so smiley all the time. It’s the most adorable thing! He has the cutest laugh and he loves his momma so much. He’s definitely a momma’s boy! I’m ready for him to start walking so I can buy him cute baby shoes. I see some grey converse and black hunter boots in his future! He will without a doubt be the most spoiled kid. He is the first and only grandchild at the moment, so between my mom and I, he will be double spoiled.

It feels like it was just yesterday that my sister and I were kids ourselves. It’s hard to believe that we are both in our twenties, and when you add a baby into the mix it feels even crazier. Time goes by so quickly and before you know it all of your friends are getting married and starting a family. Big moments like this are constant reminders for me to be present more in my life. Because before I know it, Finn will be two and then five and before I know it, my husband and I will have kids, which would make for an entirely different blog post altogether.



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