The Contentment Challenge


February 18, 2020

In our 21 Day Television Fast post, we mentioned our desire to do a different 21 day challenge each month of 2020. Our first challenge was the TV fast, which worked out really well! We will post an update on that soon! As we are just entering February, I’m sharing my newest challenge– the contentment challenge. I got the idea from Nancy Ray. She’s done this quite a few times and loves it. I learned about it on her Podcast, Work and Play with Nancy Ray. When I listened to that episode, it clicked with one of the goals from my Start Today Journal. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a Rachael Hollis journal that is life changing! You write down 5 things you are grateful for and 10 goals you are going to achieve in the next 10 years. You write them every single day as if you’ve already achieved them. I’ll link the podcast episode about that here as well. Anyway, one of the 10 goals I’ve been writing is “Value life experience over material things.” It seems simple but can be hard for me sometimes!

It may seem ironic that I’m going cold turkey on shopping because, if you follow me on Instagram, you know I just went and bought everything white or wicker that Ikea had to offer a few weeks ago! I thought of it as carb loading before a long run! Haha!!

So, what is the actual challenge this month? Well, my plan is three fold. The first goal is to update my current monthly budget with the help of my EveryDollar App. If you didn’t know, Hannah and I are big Dave Ramsey fans, and that app is his budgeting app. I’ve used it before, but I’ll admit it’s been a little while since I’ve updated everything! I’m ready to get back on it and make sure I make it a habit again in the next 21 days.

The second part of this challenge is to refrain from buying ANYTHING extra. That means no random strolls through Target, Home Goods, or antique shop. No new home projects that I haven’t already started. No new clothes. I’m only allowed to spend money on bills and food.

Lastly, I want to do a home clean out and donate the extras I have to charity or maybe even sell a few things on Poshmark if I’m feeling really savy. Who knows?!

Monthly Goal Review:

  1. Get back to the basics in the “stuff” category.
  2. Make sure my monthly budget is rock solid and stick to it.
  3. Be content with the stuff I have and be truly grateful for the important things in life: family, friends, and life experiences.

Wish me luck! If you are interested in following my progress, follow me on Instagram @chelseachaycarter.

Mentioned Links:

The Every Dollar App | Work and Play with Nancy Ray

Start Today Journal | Rachael Hollis Podcast


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