Our Beginner Photography Gear


April 2, 2018

Chelsea and I will always recommend education over equipment any day. I mean, what’s the point in investing in equipment if you don’t know how to use it? Chelsea and I started with basic photography gear while we invested in multiple education courses, and we are so glad we did. We learned SO much that we eventually got to a point where we had no choice but to upgrade our cameras. Once you begin to feel your equipment is the only thing holding your work back from the next level, then that is when you know it is time to upgrade your gear.

When you are first getting started, all you need are the basics to practice with. We didn’t put much thought into Canon versus Nikon. My father always used Canon, so naturally, I choose to go with Canon.

So, for all you new photographers, here is a list of our beginner photography gear.


Kelley Moore Backpack 

Kelley Morre Crossbody

Cameras & Accessories: 

Canon Rebel T3i (new version here)

ExpoDisc 82mm White Balance Filter


Computers & Storage:

MacBook Pro

External Hard Drive


Canon 50 mm 1.8

Memory Cards: 

SanDisk 32GB Extreme Plus


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