Finn’s Newborn Session


July 18, 2018

A little over a month ago, my sister gave birth to the most perfect little boy! I never knew how much my life would be changed by this sweet babe. He’s absolutely perfect! I’m in love!

I can’t believe that I am aunt! It’s so crazy how much time really does fly. It feels like just yesterday my sister and I were kids ourselves. Now, she’s a mom!  It’s times like these that I am grateful for my photography. It’s really made me realize how important it is to capture moments like these! If you’re not careful, you will blink and 10 years will have gone by. Make sure you have pictures to look back on!

Seeing my sister become a mom made me also realize that I do want to be a mom one day. I don’t necessarily want a kid right now, but I am really excited to be a mom in the future. I was so impressed by my sister when she was in labor. My sister made child birth look easy. She had a natural child birth and was only in labor for 6 hours! She was a champ. She definitely inspired me to consider having children naturally.

I’m so proud to be an aunt to Finn. I can’t wait to see his personality develop over time and to see him grow up! So far, in the past month, I’ve seen him laugh once, sleep a ton, and make lots of cute baby noises (especially when he has a bottle). It’s so sweet!



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