C & H Book Club


April 30, 2018

Reading is one of my favorite past times. I’m a huge advocate for life long learning in some form or fashion. Hannah and I, for example, take a lot of online business courses to help us run our business, but you can find resources on anything! Courses aside, one of the best and easiest ways to educate yourself on something new is just to pick up a book!

I don’t know what it is about bookstores and libraries, but I could look stay in there all day! Maybe because my Mom has worked in a beautiful library at Vanderbilt University since I was a little girl. I would visit her quite a bit and look around at all the books wondering when I’d been big enough or smart enough to understand them all!

With that said, it’s pretty obvious I love to read so I thought I’d start letting you guys know what’s on my, and Hannah’s, bookshelf and why.

Total Money Makeover- Dave Ramsey (Life/Finance)

Hannah introduced me to Dave Ramsey’s work around my junior/senior year of college. There are a lot of things that are scary about graduating from college and being officially on your own, especially when you’re trying to run a business and manage another full time job! Finances are a huge part of that uncertainty that can follow a big life step. Enter Dave Ramsey. I’ve always known who Dave Ramsey is just because he’s from Nashville, but I had never really paid any attention to his teachings until Hannah recommended him. Once I read this book, I also read Financial Peace and his daughter, Rachel’s book, Love Your Life, Not Their’s. I took a hard look at my finances and made major changes with their teachings in mind. I even use their app, The Every Dollar, to create my monthly budget. Hannah and I also use the same financial mentality when it comes to our business. This book is life changing if you let it! It’s a keeper for sure.

Quitter- Jon Acuff (Business)

This is a business book that discusses how to find your passion, and once it’s found, how to make that dream your full time career. It’s inspiring but also provides a much needed lecture that makes you appreciate your day job until that dream can be a reality. The author is also extremely funny and a Nashville native like us! If you have a creative business and are trying to go full time, this is a must read.

Present Over Perfect- Shauna Niequist (Life/Faith)

This book has been circling around blogs and social media accounts for a good while now, and Hannah and I finally gave in and bought it. Little did we know, it provided a message we both needed to hear. Shauna perfectly describes the busy lifestyle that has become such a reality for many American women. She honestly tells her own story, and helps you realize the little things you’re missing in all of the hustle and bustle that we call life these days.

These are the first three book recommendations I have, but many will follow!

Happy Reading!




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