Wedding Day Sunset Portraits

Session Tips, Wedding Tips

October 11, 2017

In our last post, we talked about one way to make your wedding day more seamless so you can spend it stress free with your new spouse and your guests. What did we say helps? A first look. There are two major benefits of a first look: first, it gives you more time with your new spouse on your wedding day, and second, it allows us to give you more bride/groom portraits. If that’s not a win win, we don’t know what is! The next tip we want to discuss is….

We want our clients to consider sneaking out of their reception at sunset for additional Bride & Groom portraits.

Let us give you a little photography lesson… the single most important thing in creating a beautiful, knock you on your knees image is LIGHT. Weird, huh? We could put you in the best pose in the world in the most gorgeous setting, but if the lighting is bad, the photo will make less of a statement. 

Raise your hand if you’ve ever stood in the middle of your yard around noon to take a family photo and want to delete the image as soon as you saw it because your eyes were squinty and you looked like you had bags under your eyes? Did you raise your hand? We certainly did! But guess what? We have good news…

 Good lighting makes all of that disappear! 

Nope you didn’t read that wrong, the bags under your eyes really disappear! It’s like the magical concealer you’ve always wanted.

After hearing that, I bet your wondering how we can create the best lighting, right? Well let me tell you, you don’t need to do anything but wait. Mother Nature does it all for us at sunset. The hour or two surrounding sunset is the absolute best time to take photos. It’s actually why our business is called Golden Hour Images!

If you book with us, we also schedule your engagement shoot during golden hour so you will see the evidence of beautiful light in your engagement photos, and we promise, you’ll want it on your wedding day too. 

The second reason sneaking out during golden hour is beneficial to you is the peace that it brings. Trust us, wedding days fly by! If you don’t take a little bit of time here or there during the day to let it all soak in, you might just miss it. And we know you’ve spent way to much time thinking about and planning this day for that to happen so sneak out of your reception at sunset to hug on your new spouse for a few minutes while we capture your happiness!


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