Why Engagement Sessions Are Important

Engagements, Session Tips

September 27, 2017

In our previous post in our new bridal series, we talked about how important it is to choose a photographer who is willing to meet you for an in-person meeting. (To read that one click here.) The common theme of the posts so far should be pretty obvious: finding someone who you personally connect with. Someone who makes you feel comfortable and excited. This post will continue to build on that very important concept. 

We want our clients to recognize the importance of having an Engagement Session.

Just like the first in-person meeting, having an engagement session allows both parties to get to know each other even better. Let’s face it, being in front of a camera is foreign to most people, and the last thing you want to worry about when you are getting your picture taken is feeling awkward around your photographer.

In fact, it should be the exact opposite. Your photographer should be someone who makes being in front of the camera a fun, painless experience, which leads us to our next point…

Having an engagement session allows YOU to get comfortable around a camera. We introduce what we call Foundation Posing during our engagement sessions, which basically means that we teach you how to pose in front of the camera in a way that best flatters your body. This not only benefits you for that engagement session, but once you know our poses, it also helps your wedding day run smoother because you already know our photography language. You can also use our posing strategy when you are taking pictures with friends and family too! #modelstatus 


Last but not least, have you ever thought about the fact that you will be married forever, but you are only a fiance for a short time? Most of the time couples are so focused on getting married and don’t value being engaged as much as they could. Use the engagement session to capture this short, yet beautiful stage in your lives. Get dressed up, take your engagement photos, and go out for a celebratory dinner after! Make every moment count!

The Take Away:

If you are considering booking us, tell us how excited you are for your engagement session, and we will plan it together!
 If you are looking elsewhere for your dream photographer, make sure they have engagement sessions in the packages they offer or ask them if they offer them a la carte. Also, look at the previous engagement sessions they have in their gallery. Does their style match up with yours? If so, keep that photographer on your radar. If their aesthetic doesn’t match the vibe you want, move on!


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